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Saturday, October 12th, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Animals will be available for viewing at 11:00 AM.
2024 consignments will open on August 15th and close on September 28th
Early entries for the raffle & Bull entries close on September 8th.
Consignment that is the largest dollar sale will receive a $500 bonus!
Early Entries will be entered into a raffle for $500 bonus
To reserve your spot, consignment fees MUST be paid on the
"auction consignment form page" along with submitting the entry form.
New for 2024 if you consign a bull, you must consign a female too.
Bull spaces are very limited.
ALL bull and semen entries will be judged by a committee and the best entrees will be selected for the auction.
If your entry isn't selected for the auction, your payment will be refunded.
$40 per animal consignment fee
10% of sale price for barn fees
(no consignment fee on semen)
The Southeast Highland Cattle Auction provides an Auction website
for Sellers to showcase Live Animals, Semen, & Embryos.
. This includes showcasing a picture of the animal along with its information.
Sellers also can submit a video to be featured on the online sale catalog.
Please see our Consignment Application Form to apply.
We reserve the right to refuse entry of any animals.
Animals may be delivered to the Sale Facility between 10am and 8pm on October 10th or 11th
or on Saturday, October 12th in the morning before 10:00AM.
​If you wish to bring your animals earlier, please email us to make arrangements.
Hay can be purchased when you pay your sale entry fee,
but will not be available to buy last minute at the facility.
If you need to bring your animals before Thursday, please contact Tim Miller 352-267-4829
There will be a Veterinarian (Vet) available to serve animals purchased and being transported out of State on Saturday at completion of the Auction. The Vet will be there to issue Health Certificates. The Vet will not be there on Sunday. You must get a Health Certificate for transport on Saturday.
Heath certificate will cost $25 per animal for buyers traveling out of state.
There will be NO pregnancy checking at the Sale Facility.
If you are bringing bred cows or heifers, please have them pregnancy checked by your Vet, and have that verification of pregnancy noted on the Health Certificate that is signed by same Vet.
If you are selling a bred AHCA registered animal and you don't own the sire, you will need to include an AHCA breeding certificate signed by the sire's owner.
There will be NO animals under the age of six months sold unless sold as a cow/calf pair.
An Official ID (EID) & CVI is required for ID of all animals at our sale.
(CVI must include each animal's breed tattoo)
TB negative test results are required on ALL consigned animals.
The animal must have a negative BVD-PI Test once in the animal's lifetime prior to arrival.
(That test can be IHC, ac-ELISA, PCR or VI)
Negative Trichomoniasis test is required on all bulls one year and older.
Bulls over 14 months require a breeding soundness exam.
Brucellosis Test is required within 30 days of sale, unless calfhood vaccinated for Brucellosis,
(Must have a legible Brucellosis tattoo)
Any animal from a Brucellosis Certified Free Herd is not required to be tested for Brucellosis.
Please refer to your local veterinarian for recommendations on
vaccinations before bringing your animals to the auction.
Please print an extra copy of the health certificate for EACH animal you are consigning.
Anyone consigning animals and later scratching them from the sale
will NOT be refunded the consignment fee.
If you scratch the animal due to selling it privately before the auction,
you risk being banned from future sales.
There will not be any "NO SALE" on animals at the Auction.
If a Seller feels they are not getting the price they want, they will still need to pay the Commission Fee. To set the reserve price you want for your animal, we will have forms available while you are unloading your cattle.
All animals will be sold by the head.
The Seller may lead their animal into the ring if the animal is halter trained.
Halter trained animals are encouraged, but not required.
We ask all our Consignors to only promote sale cattle with a link to the sale listing prior to the sale. Please do not attempt to sell your animal prior to the sale.
We make every effort to pass on any Scratches as soon as possible and to correct this website as soon as we know, but not all Buyers continue to check the website for updates.
All registered Highlands MUST have a signed registration certificate at the sale, the Seller is responsible for the Transfer Fee of $25 to the new owner. If the Seller of the registered animal is no longer a member of the AHCA, then the Transfer Fee is $50. Transfer checks must be made out to AHCA. All Transfer paperwork will be conducted at the Sale.
For more info and questions: contact
Tim at 352-267-4839
or email
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